Batting in a sentence as a noun

It's a solid post but this is batting practice by Gruber.

All of those were in Bootstrap first, and you've added them without even batting an eye.

"I don't know what you mean by 'Albert Pujols lifetime batting average with two outs and the bases loaded'.

"Siri, what is Albert Pujols' lifetime batting average with two outs and the bases loaded?

" I look at your statement of batting a thousand and can't help but wonder if that's because Kurzweil was batting a thousand when the books was written.

As Pmarca wrote: attempting to improve your batting average of hits versus misses is a waste of time as you progress through a creative career.

That's how computer science works, but CS education has a terrible batting average at producing effective developers.

To say nothing of products like the Calibre 89 [1].A product like Pebble will do all that without batting an eyelid, and a hundred other things that would be impossible to do mechanically.

> Checked exceptionsIt always bothered me that Java forces me to explicitly handle/rethrow exceptions, yet happily overflows my ints without batting an eyelid.

Batting definitions


(baseball) the batter's attempt to get on base


stuffing made of rolls or sheets of cotton wool or synthetic fiber

See also: batten