Basely in a sentence as an adverb

With some intelligent routing you basely never send a truck out that's not close to normal capacity.

Com/2010/07/13/old-spice-gu/ It's the only ad campaign that has made me go out and buy a product basely only on that ad campaign.

You haven't actually explained what he got wrong about communism; you're just basely asserting a negation.

The idea that doctors are sitting there enjoying this windfall from patients they allow to get sick just so they can keep bread on the table is quite frankly extremely offensive and basely ignorant

Really, you can't talk about being "grown-up" out of one side of your mouth while basely insulting your opponents' "maturity" out of the other side just because we disagree politically.

Perhaps you really do know better than specialists who worked in a field for decades, but if so, you're doing your superior knowledge an injustice by presenting it so basely. We're sincerely hoping to do better than that in this community, and would appreciate it if you'd join us in the effort.

What's disturbing to me about UNC, is not just that they knowingly and persistently cheated, but that there behavior was purely and most basely exploitative -- they weren't even pretending to educate these students.

Basely definitions


in a despicable, ignoble manner; "this new leader meanly threatens the deepest values of our society"

See also: meanly scurvily