Ballyhoo in a sentence as a noun

All the ballyhoo stunk to high heaven to me -- a case of "doth protest too much".

As an aside brought on by the fraternal ballyhoo going on here, do the ex-reddit guys still keep in touch?

This method requires some measure of spectacle, hoopla, and even a bit of ballyhoo.

The clear intent is to make people read the article and go "huh, this Snowden ballyhoo is very overblown".

HP does a lot of hardware on the consumer side, but they've been doing quite well in the enterprise without much ballyhoo.

We have seen how all those people who are dealing in fake age extension shout and ballyhoo their stuff - and how they are razzed and discounted.

Ballyhoo in a sentence as a verb

Could be fun..There is a lot of ballyhoo about the iPad being only for consumption but I think people are dying to create on these things.

There's a lot of ballyhoo about keeping up with the tech Joneses which is mostly unnecessary.

For all the ballyhoo on the online dating problem, I'd warrant that getting closure on the dating experience is where most sites fall flat.

The '90s were full of ballyhoo about object orientation and "soon we'll be bolting together software with off-the-shelf components.

I’ve seen people in Seattle ballyhoo this sort of thing as a subsidy to whoever the transit company would let the real estate to and consolingly they’d rather keep their car

But not with the new Hangouts service, which was announced to great ballyhoo in the Google I/O keynote yesterday as their new, general-use chat system for the vast bulk of their userbase.

Ballyhoo definitions


blatant or sensational promotion

See also: hoopla hype plug


advertize noisily or blatantly