Badness in a sentence as a noun

"It's kind of like a trifecta of badness.

Central planning isn't bad just because it's bad, there's reasons for its badness.

This is regardless of the "goodness" or "badness" of the demands.

Google does warn in various ways when it detects possible badness.

Like most things in life, the goodness or badness of something is more nuanced than a simple yes or no.

No. Stop it. There are degrees of badness, and degrees of risk; decapitation is worse than getting a scraped knee, and car accidents are more common than cases of people being devoured by sharks.

For a movie to be truly, truly, sublimely bad, that badness needs to be recognized - people in some cases will want to watch it for its incredible badness.

The track record on amateur cryptography is bad, and what developers don't like to acknowledge is that the badness that work generates is an externality to them.

The most representative test of its success would thus be rewriting a bad library or tool into CoffeeScript and seeing if it makes the inner badness come to the surface where you can deal with it more easily.

There are creeping kinds of badness that can't be caught in incremental code reviews, such as adding 10 lines to a long for-loop or a "necessary" boolean parameter to a method that over time ends up with 15 boolean parameters.

The under-lighting of screens may be acceptable for a few movies--lest you see the entirety of their badness--but in general it unnecessarily degrades the theater experience.

Badness definitions


that which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency; "take the bad with the good"


used of the degree of something undesirable e.g. pain or weather

See also: severity severeness


an attribute of mischievous children

See also: naughtiness mischievousness