Bade in a sentence as a noun

Also, your headline is not bade, but it has nothing under it for me to read . The job of a headline is to get people reading the copy.

There are also custom maps that you can play that are called Zerg Rush: You are in the middle of the map and Zerlings are streaming to your bade from all sides. You have to defend it like in the easter egg.

Microsoft has bade WinRT where JavaScript is a first-class citizen for desktop programs. What can python offer then?

When she effectively shat all over the Fourth and bade Congress take on the role of a secret judiciary in interpreting the Constitution, she opened the door to exactly this type of behavior. It's pretty amazing to watch someone play with snakes then complain so loudly once bitten.

Bade definitions


a Chadic language spoken in northern Nigeria

See also: Bade