Bad-mannered in a sentence as an adjective

Org domain to advertise their software, which is pretty bad-mannered.

What you describe is being rude and bad-mannered. Being rude to a woman is not automatically being sexist.

On the other hand, I don't care if bad-mannered people react negatively. I don't mind if it's because they just didn't receive an education or because they received an ideological one.

Compared to the kinds of things you'd see in League of Legends, that's pretty benign, but I'm definitely seeing a steady increase in the number of angry or bad-mannered messages in my games of Overwatch. Fortunately there are "avoid this player" and "block this person" buttons that you can use to tune them out and avoid ever playing with them again.

Bad-mannered definitions


socially incorrect in behavior; "resentment flared at such an unmannered intrusion"

See also: ill-mannered rude unmannered unmannerly