Bactericide in a sentence as a noun

Most of the side effects are associated with the molecular biology of bactericide. That one verges on pure farce.

I'm sure many species are instinctively aware of natural bactericides, salts, etc. > Do I really need to explain to you correlation vs cause and effect?

> It should be illegal to use fungicides or bactericides with medicinal value in non-human applications, especially on crops. Fungi are one of the big crop killers.

Better alternative bactericides must be found for vaccine preservation.

It should be illegal to use fungicides or bactericides with medicinal value in non-human applications, especially on crops. I'm feeling hopeless regarding what our future chances are in fighting super-bugs.

I'm not a biologist, but I would assume that bactericides for external use can be much more aggressive than antibiotics that are injected in the organism; they are expected not to **** the patient altogether the bacteria.

Bactericide definitions


any chemical agent that destroys bacteria

See also: bacteriacide


any drug that destroys bacteria or inhibits their growth

See also: antibacterial