Backdrop in a sentence as a noun

It's the sort of sci-fi where the story is a backdrop for some physics.

It is a terrible disgusting shame that this whole thing is slowly fading into the backdrop.

The whole point of the legal system is to be a predictable backdrop against which human activity can take place.

Could have an entire system-wide, multi cultural backdrop like Firefly.

" Obviously posting that candid response would've been unhelpful for discourse but thought it was worth sharing if I provided a backdrop for my thoughts.

The solar system as a backdrop is big enough to have an infinite number of stories, but keeps everything so close together that it feels real.

But at the same time, I'm not interested at all in watching a graphics guy creating amazing images - spending an hour to correctly shade some backdrop.

You could have probably put a backdrop behind that window and it would have felt like a beach in Fiji, or downtown Munich, etc. When I wasn't behind my desk however, it was a big realization that I was far away from home.

Obvious caveat: this is just my personal opinion.> With this backdrop, we temporarily took down our full-featured app when Google objected to it last MayIf I remember right, this full-featured app included features like:1.

"The Promise was created against a backdrop of recent economic thought that considers investment in education better than nearly every other kind of developmental effort when it comes to promoting economic growth.

Backdrop definitions


scenery hung at back of stage

See also: background backcloth