Awed in a sentence as an adjective

Im awed by how her story connected with people.

She said it with a certainty and a conviction in her voice and her face that left him fascinated and awed.

I can't decide whether to be awed at the sensitivity of the technique, or the size of the star.

I think if you took Americans from the 80's and brought them to a Costco, they might not be awed, but they'd be pretty surprised.

Every time this topic comes up. I am just completely awed by the idea that this is how most of our communication work.

Is no one else awed by the fact that an 11 year old kid was able to partially understand a college level course on game theory?

In the first few classes, I remember being awed by the wealth and legacy of the man, and wanting to glean everything I could from him.

You would be so impressed and awed by the simple fact that the technology exists that it really wouldn't matter what form it took.

Prepare to be awed:> An impressive series of studies by Thomas stebro sheds light on what happens when optimists receive bad news.

The Russian athletes and dancers who came here to compete/perform in the 70's and 80's told many tales of being awed by common supermarkets.

This awed even non-techies, whose pinnacle of computer experience was somewhere between Solitaire and Minesweeper.

The standard objection to the universal application of these techniques is that people like the Nazis would not have been awed by such a display of bravery and resolution.

If said people are also more inclined to be easily "persuadable" or awed/intimidated into putting more effort in for less compensation, even better.

As much as I would have loved to get awed by him going for game changing technologies, it appears that reason behind him relocating to Belize is to escape lawsuits in the US, and his focus is hardly on research.

Rather, what comforted, delighted, and awed them was the imagery of Nature’s enduring order and continuity that I wove throughout the narrative, and brought to the tightest focus I could manage in the last two paragraphs.

Their comments instead featured such words as “comforted,” “delighted,” and “awed.” It’s easy, and also common, to mischaracterize such feelings as simple schadenfreude at the failure of humanity’s overinflated ambitions, but there’s something rather more significant going on here.

Awed definitions


inspired by a feeling of fearful wonderment or reverence; "awed by the silence"; "awful worshippers with bowed heads"

See also: awful


having or showing a feeling of mixed reverence and respect and wonder and dread; "stood in awed silence before the shrine"; "in grim despair and awestruck wonder"

See also: awestruck awestricken