Automobile in a sentence as a noun

You used to be able to fix and replace most things in an automobile engine with parts from the local auto shop and a shop manual. No longer.

Any other automobile industry out there for an example. I haven't been this excited about a new piece of gaming hardware since I got the N64 for my birthday back in 1996.

There are no more buggy-whip manufacturers, chimney sweeps, blacksmiths, coopers, automobile welders, and so on. In fact, it's only getting worse!

When you're dealing with something as ingrained and as prevalent as the automobile, you're talking about a massive boost in these things across the entire world.

If I build a more efficient control system for an automobile plant, and they lay off operators as soon as it goes live, I've certainly made their jobs redundant. Efficiency kills jobs by definition.

People of my persuasion often make the case that if automobile insurance worked the same as health insurance, and we used insurance to pay for oil changes, the price of oil changes would shoot up wildly. Reason being that you would no longer care what it costs.

What about automobile manufacturers? Well, without automobiles it would take a lot longer for EMTs to get to people who are injured and a lot longer to get them to a hospital, so a lot more people would surely be dead without automobiles.

He calls it a fifth mode of transportationthe previous four being train, plane, automobile, and boat. What you want is something that never crashes, thats at least twice as fast as a plane, thats solar powered and that leaves right when you arrive, so there is no waiting for a specific departure time, Musk says.

These were some of the most dangerous people in the entire country, comparing their danger to the danger of industry or automobile transit is just silly. Those are very different problems with very different solutions.

This is like saying Henry Ford designed the modern automobile to be used in bank robberies, drunk driving murders, hit-and-run maimings, and kidnapping. Yes, virtual currency is attractive to criminals.

Automobile in a sentence as a verb

Of course driving requires constant attention and care, the full time you are behind the wheel of an automobile. You're piloting a 2 ton machine made of whirling metal and filled with flammable liquid traveling at high speeds, usually within less than a meter of someone else doing the same.

If creating a CDO creates more value to the economy than designing an automobile why shouldn't engineers focus on building those? People forget that prices and money are essentially information about the supply and demand of a good.

The free-fall in automotive prices in the 20s "killed" the automobile, except that people kept buying faster, sleeker, newer models anyway. Like so many other electronics and everyday devices, the commoditization of tablets won't "****" the tablet.

It's like filing a patent that in intricate detail explains how an automobile works and than sneaking in a claim that you invented that an automobile can be used to move personal belonging from place to place.

The entire locus of possibilities is described by unconscienable distances of freeway, mediated by the cursed automobile. You can't really run around anymore.

Pushing peddles, turning a wheel, and shifting a stick into different positions didn't have many parallels to real-life actions before the automobile was invented, but people learned that UI regardless.

This article raises some good points about the political ramifications of drone technology, and some excellent ones about it being a PR move to squelch negative reporting, but I'm left with the feeling that, if he were alive a century ago, James Ball wouldn't be out of place writing an article titled "Sears & Roebuck to stop horse-drawn carriage delivery in favor of the automobile? \u0010 Don't believe the hype".

I'm probably in a very small minority but I think that the 'free ride' we got from Moore's law in terms of transistor density leading to an increase in clock frequency has caused us to be locked in to a situation that is very much comparable to the automobile industry and the internal combustion engine. If it weren't for that we'd have had to face the dragons of parallelization much earlier and we would have a programming tradition solidly founded on something other than single threaded execution.

It's like bragging you made your automobile frame out of solid titanium with a carbon fiber shell, but ignoring the fact that you built the engine without any way to change the oil, so you're going to be throwing it out or sending it in for major costly service after a short time. Such planned obsolescent designs are certainly not environmentally sound, and claims of the longevity and strength of the frame materials, and even of certifications, are just PR to distract and hypnotize the marketplace into believing the opposite of the reality of the situation.

Quote Examples using Automobile

Perfect safety is not attainable, and this is especially true when it comes to automobile travel, which is probably the most dangerous activity that most first-worlders engage in on a regular basis. Much of that danger is inherent to the way the system works and the current level of technology and the costs people are willing to pay. A single car maker will never be able to get anywhere remotely close to airliner levels of safety. That means that Tesla's products will be used in dangerous circumstances, and Tesla customers will die while using their product. For a normal car company, this would not be a problem, because the public accepts the current risks of automobile travel.


Automobile definitions


a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine; "he needs a car to get to work"

See also: auto machine motorcar


travel in an automobile