Authorities in a sentence as a noun

"Given the chance, I always bang the "don't talk to authorities" drum.

Our hearts go out to our host and we will continue to work with her and with the authorities to make this right.

If these laws are violated, the state authorities have the power to take legal actions to enforce them.

She said today that the authorities need this information in case someone might become a terrorist in the future.

It seems like even setting off a detector doesn't, alone, justify the extreme reaction the authorities took in the author's case.

You should absolutely never talk to the authorities even if you think you have nothing to hide and especially when they're actively trying to pin something on you.

For those of you who claim that the right thing in this situation would be to turn the child over to the authorities - what exactly do you think the authorities are going to do to make this situation better?

Our government is sending gangs of armed men to perfectly innocent citizens' doors to interrogate them, simply because the authorities don't like what the people are looking at online.

Kafka's "Trial" was a nightmare for the accused, but think how convenient it is for the authorities to not publicize charges or sentencing and to do everything on their most expedient schedule.

That's unfortunate, but it's not our problem, and rather than stick him with the bill for $X,000 in back taxes we're just going to tell the tax authorities that he's been maliciously reclassified and that you're delinquent in your obligations.

Restraining orders were issued against more than 75 bank accounts used by the poker companies and their payment processors, while five Internet domain names used by the companies to host poker games were seized, federal authorities added in a statement.

People in the community would self-censor, and moreso censor each other by saying explicitly: "If we don't censor amongst ourselves, the central authorities will be forced to step in and impose even tighter and more strict measures than we are under now.

These sorts of tendencies can be considered anti-authoritarian, but it is a reactionary anti-authoritarianism, not a healthy, well-reasoned skepticism of prevailing authorities.

Authorities definitions


the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit; "the government reduced taxes"; "the matter was referred to higher authorities"

See also: government regime