Authenticate in a sentence as a verb

I do NOT try to authenticate with username/ password!

Have some alternate way to authenticate them like a login token.

It does not authenticate the sender of an email message; to do that, use something like PGP.

It's more robust and responsive,> Mosh doesn't listen on network ports or authenticate users.

The Dropbox client needs to be able to authenticate itself to the Dropbox server as the price of entry to make Dropbox work.

* allows a trusted third-party to authenticate the user.

I agree, and I think browser makers ought to take steps to require the current user to authenticate in order to install browser extensions.

I spent hours running a packet sniffer and seeing how the client interacted with the IRC network it called home to. Upon connecting to the privately run IRC network, the bot would authenticate with a user and pass.

Why would a company ever ever ever accept 6 digits of a credit card number as a way to authenticate an identity?

A new cryptosystem implemented in 2013 is, sorry to say, more likely to use ECB mode AES than it is to use an authenticated encryption construction.

I'm really disappointed this doesn't authenticate against Persona.

And then it was mathematically proven that there's a proper order to the two operations: cryptosystems should encrypt, then they should authenticate the ciphertext.

You would reasonably think that any software security firm would be competent in evaluating crypto, or at least crypto basics like whether you're using a sane block cipher mode or failing to authenticate your ciphertext.

Authenticate definitions


establish the authenticity of something