Aubergine in a sentence as a noun

When you read "You want orange, you want teal, you want aubergine!

I had never heard the word aubergine before so I corrected him, "no, that's an ********.

Go to the ticket-taker and ask if they've seen a guy in a "aubergine jacket", when they say no, say "goddamn Jerry, I'm gonna go look for him, ok?

For tumeric, fry some pulled aubergine with tumeric, garlic and tomato, for example.

Technically they are called aubergines and eggplants, but saying 'aubergine' gives blanks stares anywhere I've been in North America.

The pilot was really successful and they had great feedback in tasting sessions but then they ran the numbers and quickly realize there wasn't enough world production of aubergine to role out the new burgers in their target markets.

As a designer I love fancying up ******** dishes on restaurant menus with 'aubergine' in the name if they'll let me, and then still include the word '********' in the description of the dish for those who aren't aware of the meaning.

Therefore not incentivizing water intensive, methane producing products, AND as a bonus further limiting the destruction of Amazonian ecosystems sounds like a great way to attack it to me?I remember a great story from a Macdonalds executive in a reddit AMA, who mentioned they had a pilot for a burger recipe which included grilled aubergine.

Aubergine definitions


hairy upright herb native to southeastern Asia but widely cultivated for its large glossy edible fruit commonly used as a vegetable

See also: eggplant brinjal


egg-shaped vegetable having a shiny skin typically dark purple but occasionally white or yellow

See also: eggplant