Attentiveness in a sentence as a noun

My level of attentiveness does not seem to have decreased since.

The ones that do borrow their attentiveness from feminism.

Ignoring the questionable issue of clerk attentiveness, how do you physically hold that many bottles at once?

However,\nin this paper we not only provide evidence that these cues create social\npressure, but that they are also weak predictors of attentiveness.

I met wonderful people but I experienced no change in attentiveness, clarity, calmness, or acceptance of my shortcomings.

They're also aggressively monitored during the day and require attentiveness and a cordial demeanor.

Initially she found it disruptive but over time they have logged fewer behavior related incidents, fewer nurse visits and more attentiveness in the morning.

You don't choose your IQ, you don't choose the size of your trust fund, you don't choose to learn how to behave in professional society from an early age, you don't choose many personality factors like attentiveness or impulsiveness, etc. These things are not "chosen behaviors.

I agree that right now devices like this are a huge distraction while driving, but devices which are physically coupled to the driver's head have huge potential to actually improve the attentiveness and overall safety of a driver, so long as they're made to do so.

Clients can also pay for: criticality of work\n urgency of work\n guaranteed availability\n hard-to-find expertise\n communication skills\n perceived attentiveness to needs\n lower perceived risk\n corporate politics\n measurable results\n warm fuzzy feeling\n\nOf these, if you could only have one, I'd probably go with the ability to give clients the warm fuzzy feeling.

Attentiveness definitions


paying particular notice (as to children or helpless people); "his attentiveness to her wishes"; "he spends without heed to the consequences"

See also: heed regard


the trait of being considerate and thoughtful of others


the trait of being observant and paying attention