Atmospherics in a sentence as a noun

They're not everyone's cup of tea but they've got some atmospherics going.

There's an eerie beauty to the atmospherics on the HF band, the music of signal emerging from the noise.

Montreal is on tires which gives a predictable stop, it’s not metal on metal which varies based on atmospherics

It was really only apparent if there were atmospherics, such as volumetric lighting, in the scene.

I can't imagine a more hostile environment for Wifi than a stadium packed with a bazillion cellphones, plus goofy atmospherics due to design.

Limited atmospherics would provide very restricted use on a multitude of frequencies mainly lower than 6 meter.

> However, I'd like to think that atmospherics has more to do with things than the article goes intoBut, from the article:> We know that this phenomenon is not a physical or atmospheric effect, as may be easily demonstrated by photographing the moon in the sky at various elevations and comparing its size on the negatives.

Atmospherics definitions


a crackling or hissing noise caused by electrical interference

See also: static