Atavistic in a sentence as an adjective

The entities that did these things can revert to their atavistic forms.

And it is so ingrained in society that we don't question it's root cause which most likely boils down to atavistic tendencies.

>’” The more savvy folks around them think, that’s good, because this isn’t a ‘game’ you can ‘play.’ "Politics strikes me as something very atavistic.

How quaint, naming a web site in the 21st century after those atavistic imperial units.

Left to their own devices, the black people will revert to a state of nature, killing each other in an atavistic reversion to a primal jungle.

A luddite backlash is also a possibility, and a stronger one than usual given the factor of AI, which some people seem to have an atavistic fear of.

It is a complex issue that is a great example of the tension between philosophical or moral ideals and the more atavistic parts of human nature.

And it wasn't simply an atavistic impulse, it was faithfulness to his "Digital Hub" strategy which saw smart-device integration as a way to sell Macintoshes.

It'll be interesting when we one day have enough computational power to crunch through atavistic gene expressions to compute the taxonomy.

There is something about this atavistic concept of authority which demands a posture of submission, often literally.

I think this is atrocious, but given that it's a current event and involves countries that tend to arouse people's atavistic passions, an in-depth discussion is probably not on the cards.

Hopefully this new era will also gradually mitigate lazy generalizations and atavistic class distinctions.

My, my, San Francisco’s atavistic parochialism is really something but calling ones fellow Americans illegal immigrants.

IS is not an atavistic return to a primitive past because it's based on Wahhabism, an atavistic return to a primitive past?I also think she is severely underestimating their support in the ummah.

Doesn't human rights come out of politics in which individuals have a small but significant agency which can be aggregated to create collective agencies of vast power?Maybe there is a far more rational way of organizing groups of sentients completely apart from politics, and political social animals are regarded as an atavistic scourge in the galaxy.

Atavistic definitions


characteristic of an atavist