Asymmetrical in a sentence as an adjective

Residential ISPs have pretty much never, in the history of ever, not had asymmetrical traffic.

The DSA encryption, very much like the RSA encryption is an asymmetrical encryption relying on a public/private key.

Note that previously the outer margins were asymmetrical.

When it comes to big companies vs. the hacker communities, it's asymmetrical warfare, and the big companies are the underdogs.

The brilliant aspect to this is asymmetrical release of information.

The asymmetrical relationship makes this difficult to achieve as a consumer.

> It may be a negotiation but it is a very asymmetrical oneNot really - some interviewers may not get that an interview goes both ways, but it really is very much symmetrical.

Its not necessarily asymmetrical information that gives people power, but rather power that results in asymmetrical information.

Asymmetrical definitions


characterized by asymmetry in the spatial arrangement or placement of parts or components

See also: asymmetric


irregular in shape or outline; "asymmetrical features"; "a dress with a crooked hemline"

See also: crooked