Astonishing in a sentence as an adjective

Okay - if this is true then it's really quite astonishing.

That means that after this, there's an astonishing 2300+ people still working on Farmville and friends.

I find it astonishing that none of the drives that died finished in a state where their data was accessible.

It is indeed astonishing how simple-minded this bug is.

It's astonishing that they persist with the robotic language in their clarification.

It contained several errors which is pretty astonishing given its brevity.

Its quite astonishing that so many people here prefer readability over correctness.

They exhibit an astonishing level of tone-deafness about the audience they are attempting to reach.

We're seeing astonishing results with dietary remediation of a vast array of conditions that were previously considered unrelated.

This is an astonishing demo -- and I very nearly missed it, because I thought the scrolly graphic at the top was just a fancy animated header, followed by a bunch of text that seemed to be refering to something else.

Pardon me while I go write a cron entry running that command every minute so that my system can stay in good shape!> When arriving to work the first thing was to hit repair disk permissionsThis is absolutely astonishing.

And at Facebook, a company which can, if it chooses, pick from among the brightest engineering minds and focus their efforts on any problem it chooses, the power to concentrate years of programming knowledge on the capabilities afforded to us by this astonishing bounty of personal technology has produced:"A new way to share photos and videos"And they don't even seem to have a monetization strategy for it.

Astonishing definitions


surprising greatly; "she does an amazing amount of work"; "the dog was capable of astonishing tricks"

See also: amazing


so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm; "such an enormous response was astonishing"; "an astounding achievement"; "the amount of money required was staggering"; "suffered a staggering defeat"; "the figure inside the boucle dress was stupefying"

See also: astounding staggering stupefying