Assumed in a sentence as an adjective

Don't go to tech parties with a guy because you're assumed to be "the girlfriend.

I almost skipped this link; I assumed it was typical borring blog noise.

Because I assumed that all my mail would be read, I set up procedures to check whether any of it was seized.

So when earlier it was mentioned, I assumed "They have to have a different angle on this; they're a YC company.

Like the author I assumed my growing mailbox size and filters were the reason for the increasing slowness.

We had the layouts of everything bought in - even 74-series logic which can pretty much be assumed to be inert.

I see this guy's protocol as nothing but poisonous in the long run. He's off and created yet another processed food product that must be assumed to fail to meet the needs of the human body.

Male programmer in his thirties here: I automatically assumed they were looking for assholes.

Because Bunuel and Eisenstein and Bergman all shot at 24 fps, everyone simply assumed this is how cinema is supposed to look like.

Woman programmer here: I automatically assumed they were looking for college aged men.

If that graphic - that taunting smiley face, drawn when it was assumed that no one was watching - isn't enough to outrage the general public, I don't know what it will take.

I assumed that because I was right everyone else would, of course, agree with me, and so none of my ideas ever got adopted because I didn't know how to enlist people as allies.

This is a gripping account of what these surveillance programs lead to written by someone who saw when they go wrong:I live in a country generally assumed to be a dictatorship.

The botmaster would issue commands that I can't really recall anymore, but I do remember seeing a lot of commands that I assumed told the bots to download extra malware from a remote host.

It's nice if the constraints are prioritized so you know what to give up if you can't satisfy them all. But there's nothing quite like saying "Yeah, we did this thing in two weeks that everyone assumed was impossible, and we did it without a binary push" or "Through our clever architecture, we accomplished with one server what everyone thought required a whole rack.

Plane cockpits are all but impenetrable[1] - the only reason that some of the 9/11 hijackers were successful was that the standard protocol for dealing with hijackers assumed that hijackers wanted to take the plane hostage for ransom, not use the plane as a weapon.

Assumed definitions


adopted in order to deceive; "an assumed name"; "an assumed cheerfulness"; "a fictitious address"; "fictive sympathy"; "a pretended interest"; "a put-on childish voice"; "sham modesty"

See also: false fictitious fictive pretended sham