Assertion in a sentence as a noun

Your assertion is based on faith, not facts.

Then when I had a spare moment, I'd look at the assertion failures, pick off the most common ones, and run it again.

How do you tell your kid to work hard so they can be anything they want to be, when you your own circumstances belie that assertion?

I completely disagree with the assertion that interface design is an "inborn" trait.

As others have pointed out, there is little basis for your assertion that "backscatter doesn't pose any health risk to travelers.

Clapper's assertion is such a glaring abuse that I would hope it could set up another supreme court challenge to the privilege.

The source code to the parser is very assert-heavy, so if there's anything that's amiss, it tends to blow up with an assertion failure.

Rather than deferring to Congress, the FCC chose to adopt a new rationale for its assertion of this authority.

So first about the article:>>The notion of standard deviation has confused hordes of scientistsWhat an assertion!

Restart supervision didn't always help b/c sometimes it would throw some assertion that would bail out a critical thread, but the process would stay running.

Take this assertion, for instance:"The NSA copy of my emails won't be viewed by police or FBI investigating me about ********* use, for instance.

I suppose it's a Cato blog post, but I was hoping for a more interesting discussion than just a random call for private education, with a market-will-solve it assertion.

That does not make it readable to an arbitrary English-speaker, which is an assertion I sometimes hear: "Oh, Python is so much like English, people who aren't even programmers can read some of it!

Most of the time, he doesn't provide any evidence that Jobs is lying, just the assertion, because, as Isaacson is careful to tell us many times in the book, Jobs is famous for his "reality distortion field".

I make no assertion about the accuracy of this abstract theory, but I can summarize reality in a much simpler way: many programmers work in businesses where software is a cost center.

Of course, Google is involved in a current, major fight involving Oracle's assertion of both copyright and patent Java-related claims against its Android technology.

Congress overwhelmingly balked at the idea of any broad assertion of such authority and, in the back and forth, the FCC came up with the toe-in-the water approach just adopted to the satisfaction of almost no one. Even this assertion of jurisdiction will certainly be challenged in the courts in cases that will take years to decide, leaving this whole issue in a pathetic state of uncertainty for all concerned.

Plaintiffs assertion of a fundamental right to their own bodily and physical health, which includes what foods they do and do not choose to consume for themselves and their families is similarly unavailing because plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to obtain any food they wish.

Python is only mentioned in passing, as an inferior choice to Haskell for rapid prototyping of mathematically-oriented code.- Go is presented as the "better C", which is encouraging but I'd feel more encouraged if the author showed they were properly familiar with some additional modern programming languages and the cases in which one might use them.- The assertion that "you can write object-oriented code in C" is accurate, although I think a better point to stress is "you can write mostly-well-modularised code in C, and that's what you want a lot of the time.

Assertion definitions


a declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary)

See also: averment asseveration


the act of affirming or asserting or stating something

See also: affirmation statement