Asphyxiate in a sentence as a verb

And if you're in an enclosed space with it, you've got to be careful not to let it fill the room with nitrogen gas and asphyxiate you.

I thought it was hilarious on Mad Men when a character tried to asphyxiate himself in a Jaguar and it wouldn’t start.

[Founder begins to asphyxiate Investor while they hug, Investor grunts]

It basically has come down to a science in its own right determining what is the proper height that'll snap someone's neck and asphyxiate them, but one strangle them gruesomely or sever their head off.

Otherwise carry your own gases -- extremely technical, likely to asphyxiate yourself.- As soon as you go I to a red zone the exterior of the suit is contaminated.

When you're building a plant with the unfortunate capability to explode, poison, or asphyxiate a town, well, isn't it fair to expect that the number of autodidact engineers doing significant work on these projects is close to zero?

Carbon dioxide was a more common hazard - organic material decomposing in a sealed chamber would result in CO2 pooling in the depths, meaning that a visitor many years later could asphyxiate upon entry, which would undoubtedly discourage his friends from following.

The Doctrine of Discovery has as much validity as the spurious claim that there was anything questionable or illegal or especially unconstitutional about southern secession, and as much rational basis as the european and puritan claims that witches can be detected by attempting to drown them, pile stones on them until they asphyxiate, or that werewolves are responsible for crop failure.

Asphyxiate definitions


deprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing; "Othello smothered Desdemona with a pillow"; "The child suffocated herself with a plastic bag that the parents had left on the floor"

See also: smother suffocate


impair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of; "The foul air was slowly suffocating the children"

See also: suffocate stifle choke


be asphyxiated; die from lack of oxygen; "The child suffocated under the pillow"

See also: suffocate stifle