Asleep in a sentence as an adjective

Of course to an observer I was basically asleep in a chair. This news doesn't surprise me at all.

We gave him free room and board for 17 years, then laid him on a comfortable bed and gave him some medicine to make him fall asleep for a while". vs."

I'd be happy to see what a startup under Google can do, but the competition isn't exactly asleep.

Getting lots of exercise makes it easier to fall asleep at night. The ultimate solution, however, is to have a small child.

It's about a duck that falls asleep while playing hide and seek. The whole book is frankly awful and I hate reading it, but that one page where Deborah's friends count to 10 turned out to grab her for some reason.

I'm asleep ~ 10PM and up usually ~ 5AM. This is now my regular schedule. It would have been inconceivable for me six months ago.

Asleep in a sentence as an adverb

Were you guys asleep when iPad launched to almost identical criticism, then sold 30 million units? The game is not about specs anymore.

This reaffirms for me again that we really need AMD to keep Intel from falling asleep at the wheel. I was certainly intrigued by what I saw in the Xbox One and PS4 announcements and being able to try some of that tech out will be pretty awesome.

For all intents and purposes, the global media has been asleep or complicit. It's staggeringly important to keep telling this story at every level specifically because "we" don't know, and still don't.

After getting a new battery I became very conscientious about whether it actually was asleep before I put it in the bag. I have had this happen in Windows before as well, in one case it would wake up if I forgot to turn off my Bluetooth mouse when I put it away.

Do people can really fall asleep on command just like that when they have some spare minutes in their day? ****, even when I am sleep deprived, I can barely fall asleep in my own bed, sometimes it literally take me hours. When I manage to take a nap it's usually involuntary by falling asleep in front of the TV.

Asleep definitions


in a state of sleep; "were all asleep when the phone rang"; "fell asleep at the wheel"


lacking sensation; "my foot is asleep"; "numb with cold"

See also: benumbed numb


dead; "he is deceased"; "our dear departed friend"

See also: deceased departed gone


into a sleeping state; "he fell asleep"


in the sleep of death