Ascendent in a sentence as a noun

Germany was an ascendent power and the UK was no match for it.

Vatican is really a diminished institution, while the NSA is ascendent.

And after the war, the Soviets were ascendent in Europe, with the rest of the Allies afraid that they would continue their march through the rest of the continent.

It's not like fanatical WFHers have spontaneously become ascendent in our society.

The nationalistic and xenophobic right-wing, along with Ayn Randian economic policies, are ascendent and nobody is challenging them.

Ascendent in a sentence as an adjective

"You allow for a free movement of people, you will perhaps see a transient spreading of some worse cultures, but in a free marketplace of ideas, they will not remain ascendent-- barbarities and oppression simply aren't very effective.

I mean, yea the tone of my comment indicates that I don't think it's a good thing, but are you really going to argue that Trump and the other ascendent right wing leaders in Europe are going to decrease Russian expansion and aggression?And as far as your comment, I think you are wrong.

I want to be Facebook of labor -- not as in "a company that opens up your social graph around work" but as in "a company that fundamentally changes and expands the category it is in, and becomes ascendent in that category".That said, it is easy to talk.

Everything about American political philosophy and popular political sentiment has historically been relatively muted; that is, until the modern era that has seen the Republican party ascendent.

Ascendent definitions


position or state of being dominant or in control; "that idea was in the ascendant"

See also: ascendant


someone from whom you are descended (but usually more remote than a grandparent)

See also: ancestor ascendant antecedent root


tending or directed upward; "rooted and ascendant strength like that of foliage"- John Ruskin

See also: ascendant ascensive


most powerful or important or influential; "the economically ascendant class"; "D-day is considered the dominating event of the war in Europe"

See also: ascendant dominating