Asbestos in a sentence as a noun

Did the author's friends use the asbestos solution? I think not.

Tobacco, DDT, asbestos, deep sea diving, global warming. Science rarely cares about what to do.

How about asbestos, PCB, lots of CO2 in the atmosphere, the Stasi? Also, are you arguing that we only ever should take action when the end results are in, never because of predictions, because those might be wrong?

You sound like a law firm fishing for an asbestos-related class action suit. Are you advertising this to everyone or the hacker community?

His entire adulthood: painted buildings with lead-based paint, installed asbestos, smoked cigarettes, and lived in Pittsburgh back when the skies were black with soot all day long. Worked his *** off and suffered and died from emphysema at age 80.

Before I studied the history the use of asbestos as an industrial material, I didn't take warnings like this seriously. Now I do.

This article talks about asbestos being identified as carcinogenic in the 1920's, but the ancient Greeks knew not to buy slaves from the asbestos mines.

We had the same problem with asbestos and recently with nano-tubes, right? It was discovered they are carcinogenic precisely because they are extremely stable.

At least it's a risk that can be assessed before it's put into wide-scale production and use; in the case of asbestos, it was everywhere when it was discovered to be harmful. Somehow I doubt graphene and nanomaterials are going to be widely used in insulation and paneling.

One anecdote, I heard from a co-worker [0]: There was a elementary school that had some asbestos in its walls. A consultant did some maths and presented his report, starting with "Suppose the live of a child is worth 40,000 Pounds" and went on to conclude that the replacement would probably avoid enough future deaths / illnesses to justify their rather great costs.

One of the worries around graphene and other nano materials is that we'll see a re-run of the asbestos disaster. Once thought to be a fantastic material that saw widespread adoption because of its useful properties asbestos became a pariah material once the link with lungcancer was made.

For all intents and purposes, graphene is nanotechnology and in certain forms can act like asbestos and has a lot of other unknown behaviors in the body [1]. Unfortunately the field of nanotoxicology hasn't really organized itself and caught up to the widespread use of nanocoating and other material science in industry[2].

Australia, which was a big miner and user of asbestos, has the highest per capita rate of new mesothelioma cases in the world and it is still rising. These new diagnoses are considered the 'third wave' of casualties. First wave was the miners, second wave were people who worked directly with the material, and the third wave are people with incidental exposure - DIYers, women who washed their husbands' clothes etc. [1] Bans on the use of asbestos began in Australia in 1967 and the material was finally fully banned in the country in 2003.

Since the carcinogenic effect of asbestos is mostly caused by it's physical properties[1]; anything that resembles the shape of asbestos' micro-particles is also highly suspected to be carcinogenic. The shape, size, \nand adsorbing nature of the fibers also appear to be critically important. Recently, doubts have \narisen concerning the safety of commercially available carbon nanotubes,[2] which may possess \nthe same carcinogenicity as asbestos fibers because of their similar characteristics. Ample care \nhas to be taken to prevent a tragedy similar to the one caused by asbestos exposure.

Quote Examples using Asbestos

Chlorine trifluoride and gases like it have been reported to ignite sand, asbestos, and other highly fire-retardant materials." "Exposure of larger amounts of chlorine trifluoride, as a liquid or as a gas, ignites tissue. The hydrolysis reaction with water is violent and exposure results in a thermal burn. The products of hydrolysis are mainly hydrofluoric acid and hydrochloric acid, usually released as steam or vapor due to the highly exothermic nature of the reaction." HF scares the willies out of me, and this stuff burns you and then turns into HF. Lovely!" Handling concerns, however, prevented its use. John D. Clark summarized the difficulties:" "It is, of course, extremely toxic, but that's the least of the problem. It is hypergolic with every known fuel, and so rapidly hypergolic that no ignition delay has ever been measured. It is also hypergolic with such things as cloth, wood, and test engineers, not to mention asbestos, sand, and water with which it reacts explosively.


My grandfather died of mesothelioma from asbestos last year. Other than that he was 89 years old and otherwise in fantastic shape for his age, tending a multi-acre garden and working on landscaping. He was not a carpenter, nor was he a contractor. He ran a boiler at a sugar cane processing plant. The only time he was exposed to asbestos was in the day to day operations of that facility.


Asbestos definitions


a fibrous amphibole; used for making fireproof articles; inhaling fibers can cause asbestosis or lung cancer