Articulated in a sentence as an adjective

It just felt like the language came crashing into my head once I had to "articulate" what needed to be articulated and "hear" what needed to be heard.

But there are some areas of law where the principles are pretty clearly articulated but get knotty in their application and this is one of them.

Its original mission statement, first articulated all the way back in the late '70s, was "a computer in every desk and in every home, running Microsoft software.

Disney animation involves characters that are carefully articulated and that move realistically and with a sense of weight behind them.

Internet jargon indicating agreement>.This article is the best-articulated explanation of why programming should be a core part of the college, and even K-12 curriculum I have ever seen.

"The implied but never fully-articulated point of this article is that high-tax domiciles resent it when rational actors having a choice in the matter will routinely structure their business affairs to incur tax to the maximum extent possible in low-tax as opposed to high-tax domiciles.

Articulated definitions


consisting of segments held together by joints

See also: articulate