Aristocrat in a sentence as a noun

You really have to be a member of the clueless aristocrat club to write for Forbes.

"I'm trying not to read that sentence in the voice of a young English aristocrat from the 1920s, but that's how it sounds.

But one can never be a "self-made" aristocrat, it's a direct contradiction in terms and concepts.

Or if you could find a patron, but even then that was poor aristocrat being sponsored by richer aristocrat.

When they do, it shakes the trust we have in them that they won't take advantage of us. This isn't a story about an old aristocrat; it's a story of a bunch of institutions that were more corrupt than we thought.

No aristocrate would ever call oneself "self-made" - that's the same as calling oneself an impostor or a fraud.

Yet the lonely occupant of these two dwellings was as haughty an aristocrat in his way as any who ever wore a coronet.

I was slightly disappointed that this wasn't about Tarzan switching from ape-man to British aristocrat.

See, for example, the British aristocrat who was truthfully outed as a **** sex fetishist...but won a judgement against the tabloid that published the pictures.

After all, the undergraduate experience was designed for aristocrats, and if people go from young aristocrat to prole in one post-graduate summer, they might be pissed off enough to take up arms and overthrow governments, like what almost happened in the 1960s student riots.

He was described as "remote, coldly aloof, ruthless aristocrat, living in lonely magnificence, disdaining the common people... an exceptional man, a lone wolf whose strength and courage could be looked up to, but at the same time had to be feared; an eccentric, misanthropic genius whose haughty bearing, cold eye and steely reserve made it impossible to like or trust him." [Interesting anecdote: He had all the walls of his penthouse office at the Tribune covered with dark wood, including the door, so that after your meeting ended, you would have great difficulty finding the door to get back out, suffering under his humiliating gaze.

Aristocrat definitions


a member of the aristocracy

See also: patrician