Aridity in a sentence as a noun

Either way, this tends to push western aridity eastward.

In many parts of the West it can hit 100F during daylight but 60F at night, thanks to ocean breezes or aridity.

Here, we're always on the lookout for ways to counter the extreme aridity of the region.

Increased aridity in the south, with more extreme precipitation hitting the north.

Once Ruby became popular we got all the good things of Perl without the aridity of Python, so there was even less reason to care.

Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

It wasn't a hot day, but the aridity out there is too dehydrating for me, I always bring a water bottle hiking any distance in the desert.

And it's also very likely aboriginal burning is one of the causes of aridity in Australia.

I can't even imagine the amount of water wasted to grow a rectangle of grass, regardless of temperature, aridity and general climate.

And then you get the curious aridity King notes, an airlessness in the room, as the stories being published chase an audience of readers motivated by something other than entertainment.

Ice itself is a potent eroder of mountains, but with regard to aridity, both the northern Himalayas and parts of the Chilean/Argentinian Andes are in arid regions - though not arid enough for them to be ice-free, at least for now.

Aridity definitions


the quality of yielding nothing of value

See also: fruitlessness barrenness


a deficiency of moisture (especially when resulting from a permanent absence of rainfall)

See also: aridness thirstiness