Arguable in a sentence as an adjective

It's arguable whether eBay still has the folksy appeal it had in the 1990s.

It's arguable that queries like [southwest airlines] are even a search.

[1]Certainly an arguable point, but it's one I adhere to, and I think a lot of other HN'ers do as well.

Naivete is an arguable excuse for Obama's statements prior to his first election.

It's arguable a bit of sociopath can be a valuable tool for career and business building.

It's arguable that Excel is the most widely used "programming language" depending on your definition.

So many people on HN look at the statute and think that's the whole law, and then assume that any arguable interpretation of said statute is legally binding.

This is in line with what Peter Thiel is saying: IT has been taking a lot of attention and talent from the "hard" sciences and it is certainly arguable that major scientific breakthroughs have been getting more rare.

This includes asking for phone numbers and email addresses which, the judge observes, aren't necessary for servicing defendants and are mostly used to further the plaintiff's aggressive settlement tactics- The hilarity of seeing things like "Maryjane Young Love and Gangbanged" in an official court filing- And a whole section that's arguable more important than the IP address opinion...Plaintiffs in these cases usually file a joinder[2] of claims and combine 10s, 100s, and sometimes 1000s of defendants in a single suit.

Arguable definitions


capable of being supported by argument


open to argument or debate; "that is a moot question"

See also: debatable disputable moot