Arced in a sentence as an adjective

They are an arced desk in a room, with 3 giant screens in front of you.

It arced across the sky — slowing much more quickly now.

Or what if I did a arced swipe and "threw the lock screen" away the same way you force quit an app in iOS 7.

"The Santa Rosa fire started from five+ places where wires swung and arced and set surrounding branches on fire.

It arced through the floor of the oven, leaving a hole I could stick my finger through and almost started a house fire.

Except the guy they sent back in to turn on an exhaust fan that arced and blew everything up...Poor bastard.

The sensitivity is to rise time, not actually frequency, so even for the slower designs of the day, maybe 45° or arced corners were still useful?

More importantly they are insulated on the beginning of the prongs so if only partially inserted there is not a section of live wiring that can be arced.

The core of the problem to me, seems to be the absence of a widely supported declarative low level 2D vector format to compile to, likely with closed arced paths* as only vector primitives.

But historically, it has arced towards enforcing centralized organization for reasons that have nothing to do with the efficiency of the tech involved - and that pattern has proven both bad for a population and self-defeating for regimes.

Arced definitions


forming or resembling an arch; "an arched ceiling"

See also: arched arching arciform arcuate bowed