Approachability in a sentence as a noun

It bothers me that this 'art' lacks both skill and approachability.

This makes me think that approachability is one of the biggest problems to overcome in UI.

Currently, the pendulum has swung all the way to approachability.

That's the level of UX and approachability that should be applied to every control and game mechanic in your title.

And I suspect that "approachability" is a function of time - we forget about all the ones who had no success, and remember the ones who did.

There have been many attempts to solve the approachability problem by creating alternate syntaxes.

Just to clarify, we don't see approachability and scalability as a dichotomy, we think one could do both really well.

It doesn't have the immediate approachability of python but if you put in the effort to understand and accept it's quirkiness you fall in love.

I'm sympathetic, but I think the approachability problem says more about programming culture than it does about parens.

I think this kind of thinking stems from the usual confusion between usability and approachability.

I agree Bitcoin's approachability and incentive structure were crucial.

No doubt Python's readability and approachability contributed to this.

This and the ease-of-use/approachability for non-developers are why Excel is still absolutely huge in the finance world, and why it's not something you just "grow out of" when you start hiring developers.

Readability, comprehensibility, and approachability all matter too, and this architectural technique is bad for all of those.

Would that be putting too much emphasis on hypothetical debuggability, and not enough on other things like developer productivity and approachability to less-than-expert developers?

I monitor every mention of keywords related to our shop on twitter, Facebook, yelp, instagram, tumblr, etc and after a year in operation, it's pretty clear that people value the attitude [or lack thereof] of my employees, our approachability, the quality and consistency of our product, and the beauty of our shop.

As a PhD student, I'm no stranger to obscure academic fields that can't be understood by anyone outside your narrow specialization, but at least even the most obscure theoretical work in computer science might actually be useful to people who aren't theoretical computer scientists, and that possible future approachability to people outside the field seems to be lacking in modern art.

Approachability definitions


the attribute of being easy to meet or deal with

See also: accessibility