Apparatchik in a sentence as a noun

He's the worst kind of Washington apparatchik tool.

But don't go dismissing it just because it's from arch-apparatchik Gruber.

One of the more important meta things he's doing is calling BS on the dull Soviet apparatchik MBA mentality.

This is how "big lie" propaganda works, and the apparatchik can always be relied upon to find some excuse for why we should just ignore any problems.

I just hope that enough of us are complaining to everyone who will listen that the spy apparatchik is reined in to be constitutionally acceptable to "We the People.

"The MBA is the American capitalist equivalent of the Soviet apparatchik.

He was replaced with fellow Communist apparatchik Boris Yeltsin, who was invited to work in Moscow and eventually became Russia’s first president.

Thus, the term apparatchik, or "agent of the apparatus" was usually the best possible description of the person's profession and occupation.

I remember realizing that the typical MBA is essentially indistinguishable from the Soviet "apparatchik.

Apparatchik definitions


a humorous but derogatory term for an official of a large organization (especially a political organization); "Democratic apparatchiks"


a communist who was a member of the administrative system of a communist party