Appal in a sentence as a verb

This is way more terrifying and should appal everyone.

So, you agree that Google's service is appalling, but claim that it is not appalling because the degree of appal has not changed over time?

It may appal me that apple will only completely swap an ipad with cracked screen, or that I can't upgrade RAM in my macbook - but I can understand that standardisation and non-customisation is key to things like a predictable user experience, manufacturing and supply chain, worldwide warranties.

The failure to comply with a judge's legally issued order without specifically going to the court and asking for a stay pending an appal, is considered extremely serious exactly because the rule of law requires someone to be the arbiter, and if one party was able to get away with just ignoring what the judge orders them to, then the court has no ability to carry out it's duties.

Appal definitions


strike with disgust or revulsion; "The scandalous behavior of this married woman shocked her friends"

See also: shock offend scandalize scandalise appall outrage


fill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised; "I was horrified at the thought of being late for my interview"; "The news of the executions horrified us"

See also: dismay alarm appall horrify