Apostolic in a sentence as an adjective

I agree with most of what you say.> This is largely an issue of apostolic successionThere are two different cases here.

Actually, Anglicans don't have apostolic succession; all Anglican ordinations were declared null and void in the late 1800's by the Pope at the time.

Protestants differ in their ecclesiology; some retain belief in episcopal apostolic succession, others reject it.

Another important distinction: this is Francis voicing his opinion in a documentary, and not an official communiqué such as an apostolic constitutionThe timing is interesting, though.

> Another important distinction: this is Francis voicing his opinion in a documentary, and not an official communiqué such as an apostolic constitutionExactly.

Presumably, the same judgement would apply to other Protestant denominations claiming episcopal apostolic succession also.

Proper Noun Examples for Apostolic

> Another important distinction: this is Francis voicing his opinion in a documentary, and not an official communiqué such as an apostolic constitutionApostolic constitutions are legislation, not communiqués.

Apostolic definitions


of or relating to or deriving from the Apostles or their teachings

See also: apostolical


proceeding from or ordered by or subject to a pope or the papacy regarded as the successor of the Apostles; "papal dispensation"

See also: papal apostolical pontifical