Apostasy in a sentence as a noun

And every school of Islam teaches apostasy means death.

Islam also has death as a penalty for apostasy.

Or donating to groups to track down and execute people that have committed apostasy?

Who believe that blasphemy, heresy, and apostasy should be banned and punished to the most severe extent even up to death.

Let's take a concrete example, capital punishment for apostasy."...

Every major school of Islamic jurisprudence agrees on the death penalty for apostasy.

Unfortunately, pondering that question is dangerous and answering it with "no" implies apostasy under nearly all religions.

In many Islamic countries, "crimes" like apostasy, adultery, or homosexuality are punishable by stoning or death, and such punishment is state sanctioned.

Since the word is taken to be literal, it is easier to commit apostasy as it is more difficult to hide behind interpretation.- The penalty for deviating thought is death in all schools of Islam.

There's actually a lot of debate around apostasy laws, and a decent argument that the apostasy law actually refers to leaving Islam and committing treason against the Islamic state, not just leaving Islam.

Apostasy definitions


the state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause (often in favor of opposing beliefs or causes)

See also: renunciation defection


the act of abandoning a party for cause

See also: tergiversation