Apologia in a sentence as a noun

"My takeaway was that they tried to present some idea as universal "Strange apologia.

I'm not trying to attack you here but what you proffer here sounds like typical Russian tyranny apologia.

You're trying to bail out the tide with an apologia for a pretty universally disliked company.

You seem to be mired in apologia about psychiatry even as you deride its primary practical tool.

This "cultural fit" line is ******** apologia for real discrimination.

Those of us with an unbreakable attachment to Liberty will see any arguments in favor of the current regime as apologia.

Not for the apologia like this piece, but for when writers like Gruber, Marco, and especially John Siracusa are critical of their subject of obsession.

He even leads today's apologia with these words:Lavabit was designed to protect the privacy of e-mail by allowing users to encrypt messages stored on the Lavabit servers.

This is why I don't believe the president's assertion about the employees of the NSA being innocent of wrongdoing or anyone's assertion of them being "good guys".This is apologia for crimes against the world and the American people.

This worldview is absolutely topsy-turvy and incomprehensible; insofar as it has any consistency, it seems to be pure apologia for untrammeled state power, obedience to authority, and rule by lawyers.

Your apologia is begs the question of whether Google could make money or find a fit for it when they never even allowed the team to try:There was so much data we had and so much information about the affinity readers had with certain content that we always felt there was monetization opportunity, he said.

Apologia definitions


a formal written defense of something you believe in strongly

See also: apology