Apologetics in a sentence as a noun

No, this is Christian apologetics that they are teaching.

I admit they're not the best apologetics for Catholicism out there, but it's not much of a price difference.

As "when people tell you about the insane prices here is what you respond with...".Kind of like typical religious apologetics.

To label it as a conspiracy theory is just shameless apologetics.

I expect some apologetics any moment on Daring Fireball any moment nowNB: I'm typing this on a Mac.

Very little about "technology at large" and mostly apologetics for Apple.

HNers can be forgiven for having a bad opinion of Mr. Gruber, though, because his partisan Apple apologetics are usually what show up here.

I'd guess that you're used to people being kinda shitty about this stuff, and so you saw someone say something that could be part of some ugly apologetics and just went with your heuristics.

And a meta-parasite is making me write apologetics for other parasites.

I await the apologetics from the "It's an extremely narrow design patent" camp who claimed that this would never apply to a device even slightly different, physically, from an iPad.

I have immense respect for Linus and his accomplishments, but he frankly doesn't deserve a medal or apologetics for his refusal to increase his interpersonal intelligence.

I want to believe that through the vitriol encountered in some of these articles that there are people really trying to improve the technologies at heart instead of taking part of some kind of programing language apologetics.

Apologetics definitions


the branch of theology that is concerned with the defense of Christian doctrines