Antagonist in a sentence as a noun

There have been many times when I'm watching a film or playing a video game where I support the antagonist.

Within 50 pages of the third, I knew exactly how the rest of the story would pan out and who was the hidden antagonist.

Suboxone includes an opiate antagonist for the sole purpose of trying to keep people from injecting it.

Additionally, as its an adenosine antagonist, its effectiveness skyrockets the later in the day you have it in you.

Our brains "need" a clear antagonist, someone to pin the blame on. But that's not how it works, rather it's an agglomeration of many small attitudes that result in an emergent phenomenon known as culture- every time you say "hmm we need this or that!

I find that if I restate someone's argument absurdly and preface my statement with "I agree", people are less likely to see me as an antagonist and more likely laugh at themselves.

Late morning is the only place it starts working as its an adenosine antagonist, and you don't start getting adenosine in any really effective amount in your brain until then.

But might it be that even someone who is creating happiness for himself loses it because loneliness is its antagonist?I smile when I walk trough the rain, I laugh when I hear a joke, I cry when I watch a touching movie.

Antagonist definitions


someone who offers opposition

See also: adversary opponent opposer resister


a muscle that relaxes while another contracts; "when bending the elbow the triceps are the antagonist"


a drug that neutralizes or counteracts the effects of another drug