Anomic in a sentence as an adjective

"In an anomic society, people can do as they please; but without any clear standards of respected social institutions to enforce those standards, it is harder for people to find things they want to do.

A variety of household/family coping strategies, some anomic, and typically utilised together:1. doing without \n2.

""The system becomes one of anomic democracy, in which democratic politics becomes more an arena for the assertion of conflicting interests than a process for the building of common purposes.

I noticed the tool routinely used for cyberbullying, outing classmates of alternate sexualities, contact with strangers and subsequent dysfunctional communication, race hate, other forms of anomic and disinhibited communication, abusive surveillance of individuals within human courtships, and the routine use of aliases.

Anomic definitions


socially disoriented; "anomic loners musing over their fate"; "we live in an age of rootless alienated people"

See also: alienated disoriented