Animism in a sentence as a noun

As far as the human "psyche" is concerned, I think it's inclined to animism.

".The article is more about animism than magic.

Mostly, because it sounds exactly like animism [0].

You have to engage in extensive hand-waving and appeals to unknown and untestable facts to argue against animism in this case.

I wonder how western cities compare in this regard to cities in Japan in where animism/shintoism is pretty prevalent still

This seems like a clear enough argument for determinism that would clearly run contrary to animism, but there's one little problem."Me.

>What is it in us that longs to do that?It is animism, the belief that everything is alive, active and imbued with spirit and it is very natural.

Personally I find the confident, sometimes bordering on militant, rejection of animism by some to be no less peculiar than the no less confident adoption of others in religions undoubtedly invented by men. Why?

The only thing I would add is that the Stoic conception of Zeus is far closer in style to animism than it is to monotheism - Zeus was characterized by the Stoics as a very non-human force, one and the same with Logos or universal Reason.

Animism definitions


the doctrine that all natural objects and the universe itself have souls; "animism is common among primitive peoples"