Angle in a sentence as a noun

Some choice quotes:> ...but Matti pushed the angle.

If he's going to comment on Mountain Lion's release this morning, that's going to be his angle.

Not as impressive as Bernie Maddof's, but extra points for the tech angle.

So when earlier it was mentioned, I assumed "They have to have a different angle on this; they're a YC company.

It's funny that he latched onto some of the same core tenants we've been kicking around, but from a very different angle.

They usually have to fire you for cause for you to lose your options, so figure out what the angle is they're using and make sure they don't have cause.

Absolutely anything involving Saipanese officials that has a money angle for them is a total scam.

Angle in a sentence as a verb

The civil libertarian angle is already pretty well covered.

His cue literally skews through a ten-degree angle between the start of his delivery and the end, and his hand twists too. Wikipedia sheds some light on this:Hoppe's peculiar style of stroke was a result of his career as a child prodigy.

The reason why the Mercator projection was popular for so long is that its angles correspond to compass points and you navigate by a trivial algorithm:1.

The post says they spoke with folks at the Software Freedom Center, which is great, but I highly recommend finding a specialized attorney who's seen lots of applications and knows the right angle.

If CL had exclusive rights to enforce claims relating to the CL postings, then it could try to shut down 3Tap whether or not 3Tap was technically bound by the CL terms of use because it could do so from the copyright angle.

Wedge the point of the bent end between the tread and rail, so the "elbow" is resting an inch or two behind the wheel and the bar is up at a 45 degree angle, so forming a lever with a lot of mechanical advantage.

That sort of license represents a bonehead decision from almost any angle one looks at it except one, and that is the legal angle of giving CL a strong position to claim that 3Tap can no longer use any of the data taken from the Google cache, whether or not 3Tap was deemed to have been bound by the CL terms of use.

Angle definitions


the space between two lines or planes that intersect; the inclination of one line to another; measured in degrees or radians


a biased way of looking at or presenting something

See also: slant


a member of a Germanic people who conquered England and merged with the Saxons and Jutes to become Anglo-Saxons

See also: Angle


move or proceed at an angle; "he angled his way into the room"


to incline or bend from a vertical position; "She leaned over the banister"

See also: lean tilt slant


seek indirectly; "fish for compliments"

See also: fish


fish with a hook


present with a bias; "He biased his presentation so as to please the share holders"

See also: slant weight