Androgynous in a sentence as an adjective

If you're lucky, an androgynous name like Robin or Jo can help you.

I can't tell if you're trolling or not...The use of man in this context is androgynous.

If the men are not men and women are not women, then all you'd have are a bunch of androgynous adults.

Are you sure this isn't just a case of you using "male" as the default gender for an androgynous picture?

I even had an androgynous, towheaded, smiling image in my mind.

I have been coded female, male, and androgynous depending on the writing sample.

For example, one could be an androgynous male homosexual.

[0] Okay, three options, but 'andy' really corresponds to 'unknown', not 'person of androgynous gender'.

I would either make it androgynous or add a feminine addition to the icon so that people don't pigeon hole it as a "guy's" app or something like that.

A little trick I learnt from a fellow designer: Make the default profile pic the opposite gender from what you guess the user to be. Users are fine staring at an androgynous avatar but they'll rapidly upload their own pic to avoid others thinking they're a woman/man.

First you have upper-middle-class often gay black kids in detroit rejecting the polyrhythms and rowdy attitude of the hiphop and funk around them in pursuit of the perceived sophistication of androgynous european synth-pop.

Some trans men, in particular, claim the right to be considered men and still be feminine or androgynous, and they can approach the topic without the stigma attached to either gay or straight cis men when they broach the topic outside of narrow venues like drag performances.

In case anyone reflexively thinks, as I did, "probably making a mountain out of a typo molehill", the author says:> To be fair, "Kelsey" can be an androgynous name, but female pronouns were used in the original news release, so these had to have been deliberately changed.

Androgynous definitions


relating to or exhibiting both female and male sex organs but with a predominantly female appearance


having both male and female characteristics