Anamorphic in a sentence as an adjective

Revenge of the Sith used anamorphic, so was 1920x817

Possibly with anamorphic lenses though, like wide film.

Am I the only one who finds that anamorphic lenses create really distracting bokeh?

Every transfer for home video I've ever seen has been anamorphic widescreen since the earliest days of the DVD.

I believe there are some stories and interviews with Andre about this in the widescreen anamorphic Princess Bride DVD.

But there is a vast difference between watching a well-photographed film on even the largest home theater screen and watching it projected full size with appropriate anamorphic lenses and so forth.

If you're very concerned about horizontal resolution chances are you're using anamorphic lenses anyway.

Anamorphic definitions


pertaining to gradual evolution from one type of organism to another


pertaining to a kind of distorting optical system; "an anamorphic lense"