Anabolism in a sentence as a noun

CO2 is not only used as a substrate in anabolism.

"Given that anabolism can promote tumor growth, do weightlifters tend to have more intense bouts of cancer?

Insulin levels are the key to fat catabolism/anabolism.

Insulin spikes are short term in regards to their effects on ketosis and can be useful for nutritional transport and promoting anabolism while on a ketogenic diet.

Both processes work together, with catabolism providing the energy for the anabolism.

In addition to higher energy requirements, anabolism can increase the probability of tumours.

Why do you consider anabolism/catabolism a binary classification?

In biology, if I remember correctly, you have anabolic and catabolic processes: anabolism constructs complex molecules from simpler ones, catabolism breaks down complex molecules into simpler ones.

"And if catabolism between muscles and the brain is linked then surely steroids will make people every smart by switching the entire body into anabolism from catabolism.> Cells are cells, they are where energy is made, they are binary only existing in anabolic or catabolic states and never simultaneously existing in both statesThis is 100% not true.

Anabolism definitions


the synthesis in living organisms of more complex substances (e.g., living tissue) from simpler ones together with the storage of energy