Amygdala in a sentence as a noun

Someone start working on a psychotropic that takes back control from the amygdala and call it "su".

Otherwise you're going to begin to believe the amygdala-driven "what is the world coming to" type statements.

There are a rare few people that truly do not experience fear, but they have a damaged amygdala, which is rare and totally unrelated to psychopathy.

Tl;dr: "The scientists found that the more the ********* users reported consuming, the greater the abnormalities in the nucleus accumbens and amygdala.

To expand on the uniqueness of the experience of suffocation: Suffocation is apparently the only experience that can produce fear in patients without an intact amygdala.

I had no idea that 2 ambiguously-phrased suggestions would completely stop the biological processes causing my overactive amygdala!This is it everyone, the field of therapy is dead.

The excised tissue included most of the sea-horse-shaped structure called the hippocampus, as well as the parahippocampal gyrus, the uncus, the anterior temporal cortex, and the almond-shaped amygdala.

The conclusion of the research seems to be this quote:"Breiter and his colleagues found that among all 20 casual ********* smokers in their study — even the seven who smoked just one joint per week — the nucleus accumbens and amygdala showed changes in density, volume, and shape.

While it's thought that the amygdala contains CO2-sensitve chemoreceptors as this article states in the first paragraph, this behavioral result shows that other brain areas do too, and activation of these chemoreceptors is sufficient to produce fear even without the brain's "fear center.

Watch the BBC documentary 'The Century of Self' which provides a historical context for why the amygdala of the typical consumer suckles all the attention, while the neo-cortex sits waiting like the runt of the litter with only a vague notion of scientific knowledge present in daily life.

Amygdala definitions


an almond-shaped neural structure in the anterior part of the temporal lobe of the cerebrum; intimately connected with the hypothalamus and the hippocampus and the cingulate gyrus; as part of the limbic system it plays an important role in motivation and emotional behavior