Ambitiousness in a sentence as a noun

I am impressed with both the ambitiousness and nobleness of the project that Google is pursuing here.

As others have commented, love the ambitiousness of this!

I wonder at the ambitiousness of your recruiting vs. the salaries you pay.

That being said, I do think there's much to be said about the ambitiousness of the ideas when you're younger than when you're older.

The ambitiousness, audacity and shortcomings are part of it.

I'm not sure how diversity really fits in with ambitiousness in the workforce or how that relates to confidence levels.

>The idea would be to give people a leg to stand on so they can take risks, not hide in their confort zoneI think many proponents of UBI overestimate the ambitiousness of the average person.

I think these articles speak with the ambition of these cities themselves despite the loss of their industrial base; to my mind this ambitiousness is correlated with boosterism.

The fact is that Go and Rust are very different languages with different goals and feature sets, with different levels of ambitiousness and which started development in earnest at different times.

The ambitiousness of this proposal seems on the same order of magnitude as existing infrastructure projects such as creating a city-wide electric railroad network or significantly upgrading a city's road/water/power grid.

I applaud your ambitiousness but let's just say I don't want to be in your shoes when you've just told a thousand 18-year-olds to install Matlab!>the notion that calculus has had more impact on history/societyLinear algebra is hard to even put your hands on, historically.

Ambitiousness definitions


a strong drive for success

See also: ambition