Always in a sentence as an adverb

Red tape isn't always a straitjacket. Sometimes it's a crash harness.

It's just always there. If this becomes normal, I will probably have to run away to the Third World or something.

I have always hated this and probably always will. I have rarely eaten lunch with my work mates.

What Adria has done here is made sure that people in tech are always hyper aware if they're working with one of the "outsiders" that she has cast herself as. It's really sad.

When people see that I highlight text while I'm reading, they always want to know what practical reason it serves. The simplest answer is that it kind of helps me track the text, but it's less than that.

That will not always be the case, and I do not look forward to the day when our own brutality is visited upon us.

Maybe I need the money right now to do some things I always wanted to do. Maybe I want to buy my aging mother a new house, and I don't want to wait for a bloody IPO, I want to do it now.

My priorities are taking care of my family just as they always have been. Sometimes, we just can't plan far enough ahead to deal with something like this.

Governments are always ready to grab the greatest degree of power that the people will give them. That is the default because it is hard-wired into the human condition.

The library staff was always welcoming to us. Your hip coffee shop on the other hand hates you with a passion it normally reserves for Scott Stapp solo albums.

The rationale was always some kind of MBA newspeak blather. I can't even remember it since my mind filters out sounds that imitate language but lack conceptual content.

The odds were always overwhelmingly that you would. The whole startup investment model is, put money into 10 companies, hope 1 succeeds.

This can be very devastating psychologically to someone who has always 'succeeded' in life. I'm not saying this was the case for Ilya, or had any part in his death, but I know for me it would have been hard to swallow.

Its always funny to see how relaxed and personable some people become after i make some politically incorrect jokes/references.

Incentives aren't always aligned, you have to cut corners, and conflicts are unavoidable. As someone on the inside of engineering divisions of technology giants, I can tell you that you get this sort of conflict and frustration even at these "engineering-first" sorts of places.

Is always, "Who wants to know?" If it's an investor, the answer is "A lot." If it's a customer, the answer is "A little." If it's the IRS, the answer is "None." Same thing here. The answer to "Who is a good programmer?" is always, "Who wants to know?"

The project team will then usually have a very tight deadline to produce the initial design, probably mostly drawn up by a team of recent architecture graduates who would be pretty low paid[1], and who will almost always end up working very long hours and weekends unpaid overtime to meet the deadline. Where the lead architectural practice is not based in the UK there will also be a local architect who will advise on local regulations, prepare the submissions for planning permission and generally deal with other regulatory authorities.

I have always felt like I was paying far too much for inferior service, contemptible customer support, and endless efforts to further "monetize" me through harassing phone calls trying to sell me more stuff, intrusive DNS systems that redirect me to their crappy web sites, etc. There is not a single other industry I can say that about, certainly not one that comes to mind so quickly.

Always definitions


at all times; all the time and on every occasion; "I will always be there to help you"; "always arrives on time"; "there is always some pollution in the air"; "ever hoping to strike it rich"; "ever busy"

See also: ever e'er


without variation or change, in every case; "constantly kind and gracious"; "he always arrives on time"

See also: constantly invariably


without interruption; "the world is constantly changing"

See also: constantly forever perpetually incessantly


at any time or in any event; "you can always resign if you don't like it"; "you could always take a day off"


forever; throughout all time; "we will always be friends"; "I shall treasure it always"; "I will always love you"