Altering in a sentence as a noun

The consequence is that altering the state of one particle would instantaneously cause the state of the other to become resolved.

Data integrity: only by serving securely can you guarantee that someone is not altering how your content is received by your users.

It's a mindset-altering philosophy and/or > worldview, not a completely novel theory of > computation.

Create strains of "knock-out" rodents, where you block the production of certain chemicals or proteins you think ketamine might affect by altering their genetic composition.

It includes charging activists with laws intended for violent terrorists, so that arrest is no longer a minor inconvenience, but a life-altering event.

"Of course, this also informs the other thing people--especially those in creative fields--say about ***: that it's a life-altering experience, quite foundational for later productive work.

I encourage everyone in our community of thoughtful discussion here to check the fine article and the linked references before radically altering their personal diets.

Voting machines need to be a lot better than this or not exist at all, but does anyone actually think that IF this machine was altering votes, it would alter it in this fashion with a UI element tied to the alteration?

When fascists silence freedom of speech, they don't do it by rounding up millions, they do it by making a few public examples, and everybody else learns what not to say. Through this process it becomes extraordinarily easy to bring an entire population into compliance with new restrictions on speech, without actually altering any Constitutional amendments.

The article submitted here makes the correct point that sometimes legislation has unintended consequences, and perhaps the "drug war" is ineffective policy for reducing the harm that mind-altering ***** cause individuals and society.

This is the expectation mismatch between journalism and its dwindling audience: the general public doesn't expect journalists to "construct a narrative".Most people expect journalism to be about the cold hard facts, possibly biased in it's tone and interpretation, but not altering the facts in favor of a narrative.

Altering definitions


the sterilization of an animal; "they took him to the vet for neutering"

See also: neutering fixing