Aloofness in a sentence as a noun

You need both a lot of discipline and just a bit "aloofness" to keep going.

This aloofness is certainly one of the northeastern traits I have that I don't like.

Yet there is also a persistent shallowness and aloofness even to a lot of my friendships that I can't seem to crack sometimes.

But that hurts his point; it makes the rest of the argument seem like it might be the product of aloofness rather than productive, tactical concern.

I read this entire article with a combination of pretend aloofness and childlike fear of getting gotten by the gotcha-questions.

[ed: this is why practiced male aloofness is attractive to women -- it signals that the man is holding a stronger market position, and that his goods are therefore valuable.

There are a lot of reasons for this, perhaps even more important reasons, but yes, black women are unapprochable as a white man. While other people interpret my normal social awkwardness/aloofness as just what it is, black women tend to take offense and think it's racist.

What just seems like clumsiness or aloofness in your personality develops into traditional seizures.

While it can come across as aloofness, Dan has the passive ability to subtly guide the conversation and give it some sense of structure, and he's great at knowing when to let the other person speak.

"So, the reason for the aloofness of the staff is partially because these phases are totally expected and normal, and unless you are having a true psychotic episode, the whole point is to push through.

Friendly, approachable and chatty, he didn't have that aloofness so unfortunately common to some "personalities" in the ruby commmunity.

There's a combination of subjective skill, clout, and aloofness that quantifies the kind of real programmer touted around here but in the real world they're a lot like the cheap guys in India that a lot of people like to deride.

It's totally understandable that Apple would want to both maintain their image of aloofness from non-visionary matters, and deliberately avoid validating the existence of problems with their products in a public forum, which would also contradict a decades-long and painstakingly-crafted image.

Aloofness definitions


indifference by personal withdrawal; "emotional distance"

See also: distance


a disposition to be distant and unsympathetic in manner

See also: remoteness standoffishness withdrawnness