Alone in a sentence as an adjective

" Don't go alone because you'll get hit on.

You see, despite what people may think, the best software is still written by one person, alone with their thoughts.

****, most review sites won't even recommend it as a TV, let alone a monitor.

I'm talking to the man or woman out there who is afraid there might be something wrong with their mind, and who feel alone and afraid.

Supposedly he saved something around 40% of his take home pay, despite living alone in Boston.

Alone in a sentence as an adverb

"Or am I alone in thinking that helping a stranger find their next caffeine fix is not what we should be worried about in today's world?

I'm probably alone with this opinion, but it's extremely frustrating to see this stuff happen over and over again./end rant

Otherwise, the other two founders will hold all the power in the organization because they, and they alone, hold that special knowledge of what investors want.

If I had never been a climbing instructor, I never would have developed the people skills that I needed to be an effective manager, let alone a business owner.

There are two issues here: a particular dispute between O'Reilly Media and one of our authors, and the relative advantages of using a publisher versus going it alone.

Alone definitions


isolated from others; "could be alone in a crowded room"; "was alone with her thoughts"; "I want to be alone"


lacking companions or companionship; "he was alone when we met him"; "she is alone much of the time"; "the lone skier on the mountain"; "a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel"; "a lonely soul"; "a solitary traveler"

See also: solitary


exclusive of anyone or anything else; "she alone believed him"; "cannot live by bread alone"; "I'll have this car and this car only"

See also: only


radically distinctive and without equal; "he is alone in the field of microbiology"; "this theory is altogether alone in its penetration of the problem"; "Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint"; "craftsmen whose skill is unequaled"; "unparalleled athletic ability"; "a breakdown of law unparalleled in our history"

See also: unique unequaled unequalled unparalleled


without any others being included or involved; "was entirely to blame"; "a school devoted entirely to the needs of problem children"; "he works for Mr. Smith exclusively"; "did it solely for money"; "the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone"; "a privilege granted only to him"

See also: entirely exclusively solely only


without anybody else or anything else; "the child stayed home alone"; "the pillar stood alone, supporting nothing"; "he flew solo"

See also: solo unaccompanied