Allele in a sentence as a noun

If you've got an LP allele, neither are you.

Most uses of "gene" in this thread should be replaced by allele.

To take a simple model, suppose that we have a recessive allele that is 1% of the gene pool.

Unless an allele is fully dominant if it's on the X chromosome men will display hreater variance.

Evolution is the change of allele frequencies over time in a given population.

Evolution is simply the change in allele frequency in populations of organisms over time.

All the blue eyed people on earth can be traced back to a single ancestor living in the black sea region about 10,000 years ago. It is a recessive trait, but allele frequencies don't magically increase just because a trait is recessive.

It doesn't matter whether the gene in a particular organism is identical by descent or identical by allele.

In general, no study has ever shown any single-gene allele variation with strong effect on IQ across the general population.

The question is how you would get a single allele that gets you from lower apes to fully sapient humans in one mutation, in one individual, that also protects against something which killed off everyone else.

The hope of many behavior genetics researchers was finding a simple genetic model of normal allele variation in just a few genes having a large and consistent influence on IQ in the normal range.

That is the logic behind genetic diversity in a species, which allows it to cope with new and unpredictable environments by essentially allowing alleles to compete in the "natural marketplace.

" There appear to be two components to the test, a genetic admixture, and predicted phenotypic characteristics that manifest with specific allele groupings, within a certain threshold of accuracy.

"If we're going to take control of our genomes and select for ourselves which alleles are harmful or beneficial, we must at least be prepared to preserve genetic diversity, if not in living individuals, then in gene banks or genomic databases.

GAs can sometimes get out of local min/max on their own, so they offer a slightly better chances than randomly distributing seeds in a hill climbing algorithm, and a very large parameter range favors mutation and allele sharing over directed hill climbing.

Angles between dimensions indicate correlation, or more fundamentally the cost of holding similarly positioned alleles simultaneously.

Allele definitions


(genetics) either of a pair (or series) of alternative forms of a gene that can occupy the same locus on a particular chromosome and that control the same character; "some alleles are dominant over others"

See also: allelomorph